Monday, 22 May 2017

22. Comète Commémorative weekend: 8-10 septembre 2017

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Tuesday, 16 May 2017

21. Comète Weekend 2017

La vallée de la Bidassoa - the Bidassoa valley 

Chers Amis, Bonjour,

Dans quelques jours nous serons en mesure de vous transmettre le programme détaillé de nos Journées Commémoratives 2017, qui se dérouleront sur le passage de la Bidassoa les 8, 9 et 10 septembre......

En pleine saison touristique au Pays - Basque, nous vous conseillons de réserver rapidement à ces dates les transports, campings, hôtels, etc....

En vous remerciant,

A trés bientôt.   

Dear Friends, 

We will be shortly be sending you the detailed programme for our Commemorative Comet weekend. The purpose of this short post is to give you a "heads-up" for the dates: it will take place on 8th, 9th and 10th September and, for 2017, it will follow the original route into Spain via the Bidassoa. (NB. the programme will also be posted here)  

As the tourist season in the Pays Basque will still be in full swing in September, we would strongly advise you to make your arrangements (camping, accommodation, travel) as early as possible. This year, I would suggest that Saint-Jean-de-Luz would be the ideal base as all our coach departures will be from there.

Looking forward to seeing you all again!

Many thanks..