Showing posts with label Florentino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florentino. Show all posts
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
4. Passages du Pays Basque intérieur - Crossings via the inland Pays Basque
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"Franco" |
J’ai connu beaucoup de Basques, et il s’est toujours créé entre nous un
lien très fort si proche de l’amitié; j’ai découvert petit à petit les
qualités extraordinaires de ce peuple, la fidélité à la parole, un courage
proverbial, des vertus chrétiennes et communautaires.
Je pense qu’il y avait une « connaturalité » entre les Basques et l’esprit
de Comète : nous ne pouvions pas ne pas faire « bon ménage » Tous ceux qui ont
été en contact avec ce peuple de contrebandiers n’ont pu que l’aimer et
l’admirer.. »
"That night, part of me became Basque. That is why as a man and as a member of Comète, this 16 month period of my life on the frontier affected me profoundly.
I have known many Basques and there has always been a strong bond of friendship between us. I gradually discovered the extraordinary qualities of these people: true to their word, with a legendary courage founded on Christian virtues and sense of community.
I think there was a natural complicity between the Basques and the spirit of Comet: we had an instinctive unity. All those who were in contact with these smugglers could only stand back and regard them with great affection."
"That night, part of me became Basque. That is why as a man and as a member of Comète, this 16 month period of my life on the frontier affected me profoundly.
I have known many Basques and there has always been a strong bond of friendship between us. I gradually discovered the extraordinary qualities of these people: true to their word, with a legendary courage founded on Christian virtues and sense of community.
I think there was a natural complicity between the Basques and the spirit of Comet: we had an instinctive unity. All those who were in contact with these smugglers could only stand back and regard them with great affection."
Déclaration de Jean François Nothomb dit « Franco » No 2 de Comète
Remplaçant Andrée De
Jongh « Dédée » - c’est le responsable
du passage de Larressore
Statement by Jean François Nothomb (aka "Franco"), the No 2 of Comète
He replaced Andrée De Jongh ("Dédée") - and founded the Larressore route.
Statement by Jean François Nothomb (aka "Franco"), the No 2 of Comète
He replaced Andrée De Jongh ("Dédée") - and founded the Larressore route.
Janine De Greef, guide de Comète au Pays Basque.
- Voyages de Dax à l‘auberge
Larre de Sutar à vélo avec Max Roger, Tante Go, le 13/10/1943 et le 24/10/ 1943;
- Voyages de Bordeaux, à
l’auberge Larre en train, à vélo avec Max Roger, Tante Go, Denise
Houget 1 fois le 16 / 11/ 1943.
- Voyage de l’auberge de
Marthe Mendiara au rendez-vous de Larrressore à vélo, avec Max, Tante Go,
Denise Houget 2 fois.
Janine De Greef, Comète guide in the Pays Basque.
In addition to having undertaken many crossings via the Bidassoa, she also made:
- Trips from Dax to the Auberge Larre, Sutar by bicycle with "Max" Roger & Tante Go on 13 Oct 43 & 24 Oct 43;
- Trip from Bordeaux to the Auberge Larre by train and bicycle with "Max" Roger, Tante Go & Denise Houget on 16 Nov 43;
- 2 trips from Marthe Mendiara's Auberge Larre to the rendez-vous at Larressore by bicycle, with "Max", Tante Go, Denise Houget.
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"Lulu" |
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Présenté avec une médaille après la guerre Receiving a medal after the war |
Lucienne Dassié aka "Lulu", 16 yrs old in 1943, she was arrested with her parents, imprisoned and deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp.. "I forbade myself from crying except when I looked in a mirror. I weighed 32kg - the Jewish deaths were scheduled, planned - whereas for us, they gave us the choice of dying through overwork - there were camps for a quick death and camps for a slow death."
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"Fifine" |
Joséphine Castets aka "Fifine", 14 yrs old, daughter of Kattalin Aguirre who together with Florentino Goikoetchea were the legendary figures of the "Bidassoa" route. "Fifine" provided invaluable assistance and support to her mother's organisation of this route.
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"Julot" |
Jules Mendiburu aka "Julot", 17 years old in 1940, worked at the Anglet Town Hall. With the complicity of François Dommain, Mayor of Anglet and a great patriot, he was given a fake job in the office of the occupation troops. He also monitored the central telephone switchboard which allowed him to play a vital role in the distribution of coded messages for the Comète network.

On 10th May 1940, the Germans struck west with a massive coordinated offensive against Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The rapid German advance trapped many shot-down Allied aircrew outside the "Dunkirk pocket" and they remained scattered across the Franco-Belgian zone.

During this period, the 23 yr old Andrée De Jongh refused to accept this crushing defeat as final and she decided that the only means available to her of opposing the occupying forces was to attempt to repatriate stranded Allied soldiers. The direct route from the Belgian coast to Great Britain was impractical due to the high level of surveillance exercised by the German military there. The only alternative solution was the much further southern route via Gibraltar that led through the Pays Basque. Fortunately, her friend Arnold Deppé had been a sound engineer for the Gaumont cinema firm in the Pays Basque for some years. Having lived at Saint-Jean-de-Luz since 1928, he had made contact with local smugglers and he had made several clandestine crossings of the frontier during the Spanish civil war.
Ainsi, sur près de 2000 km, entre Bruxelles et Gibraltar de 1940 à 1945 la
ligne Comète fut créé, la plus importante chaînes des mouvements de Résistance
à l’occupant allemand.
Thus, between Brussels and Gibraltar, a distance of some 2,000km, the Comète Line was created and it was arguably the most important evasion network as far as the Germans were concerned.
Thus, between Brussels and Gibraltar, a distance of some 2,000km, the Comète Line was created and it was arguably the most important evasion network as far as the Germans were concerned.
Objectif Bilbao – Madrid - Gibraltar – London
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Michael Creswell |
When "Dédée" arrived at the British Consulate at Bilbao, the diplomats there were initially sceptical that she was who she claimed to be but, guided by some smugglers across the Pyrenees, once she delivered the first two aircrew evaders, their doubts were silenced. This feat proved that the "Dédée Line" (as it was known initially) was viable and thus was born the Réseau Comète. Bearing in mind that aircrew required up to two years of training, it was therefore vital to the war effort that shot-down Allied aircrew should be repatriated if at all possible. Michael Creswell (aka "Saturday"), a young diplomat serving at the British Embassy in Franco-ist Madrid, gave his complete support to Dédée and ensured that significant financial resources were made available to fund Comète with one proviso: that only valuable aircrew would be repatriated.
Mais en même temps « Dédée » surnommée par son père « Petit cyclone »
revendiqua et obtiendra pendant les opérations et après la Guerre une autonomie
totale. L’engagement de l’interdiction à tout Etat de récupération, à quelque
fin que ce soit.
Even so, while grateful for the funding, "Dédée" (known as the "Little Cyclone" by her father) was adamant that control of the network should not be surrendered and that it should, at all costs, remain a Belgian operation.
Even so, while grateful for the funding, "Dédée" (known as the "Little Cyclone" by her father) was adamant that control of the network should not be surrendered and that it should, at all costs, remain a Belgian operation.
878 Aviators evaded with Comète's help,
1700 full or part time helpers were involved,
700 members were "on the run",
286 deportees died in concentration camps
or were shot at Mont Valérien, Paris or
at the Tir National, Brussels.
878 Aviators evaded with Comète's help,
1700 full or part time helpers were involved,
700 members were "on the run",
286 deportees died in concentration camps
or were shot at Mont Valérien, Paris or
at the Tir National, Brussels.
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.. et à Biarritz |
The Larressore route was opened as a consequence of the arrests, following a betrayal, at Bidegain Berri farm, Urrugne, of "Dédée", Frantxia Usandizaga, Juan Manuel Larburu and three RAF aircrew in January 1943.
A la ferme Bidegain Berri à Urrugne
Andrée « Dédée » De Jongh - No 1 du Réseau Comète, fut arrêtée à Bidegain Berri, subissant 19 interrogatoires, emprisonnèe dans plusieurs prisons françaises, elle fut déportée aux camps de concentration de Ravensbrück et de Mauthausen. Elle en fut libérée le 22 Avril 1945 par la Croix Rouge.

Elle dut le fait d’être encore vivante, parce qu’au cours des interrogatoires, elle a affirmé aux allemands qu’elle avait créé le Réseau Comète ….ils ne l’ont jamais cru…!!
Bidegain Berri farm, Urrugne
Andrée « Dédée » De Jongh - No 1 in the Comète organisation, was arrested at Bidegain Berri farm on 15th January 1943 and endured 19 interrogations, and was imprisoned in numerous French prisons before finally being deported to the notorious concentration camps at Ravensbrück and Mauthausen. She was liberated by the Red Cross on 22nd April 1945.
That she survived the interrogations she put down to the fact that even though she admitted to being the creator of the Comète Line, the Germans refused to believe her.
Frantxia Usandizaga, jeune veuve de 32 ans, avec 3 enfants (Mayie, Thérèse et Jean). Elle fut emprisonnée avec Lucienne Dassié et sa mère à Fresnes et au Fort de Romainville, antichambre des camps. Ne pensant qu’à ses enfants triste, abattue, elle priait et s'était fabriquée un petit chapelet avec des boulettes de mie de pain. Elle fut déportée et peu avant la défaite des Nazis, en Avril 1945, elle est morte au camp de concentration de Ravensbrück. Elle a été enterrée dans une fosse commune, signalée aujourd’hui par un mémorial.
Frantxia Usandizaga was a young 32 yr old widow, with 3 children (Mayie, Thérèse and Jean) who lived at Bidegain Berri farm near Urrugne. She was imprisoned together with Lucienne Dassié and her mother at Fresnes Prison and at Fort de Romainville in the outer Paris suburbs which operated as transit camps for the main concentration camps. Thinking only of her sad children, downhearted, she prayed and made herself a rosary out of pellets of bread. She was later deported to Ravensbrück where she died at Ravensbrück in April 1945. She was buried in a mass grave which today is marked by a memorial.
Juan Manuel Larburu, son valet de ferme, âgé de 31ans, fut emprisonné à Compiègne avec Jean Dassié, puis sera porté disparu en Mars 1944 en Allemagne; il est vraisemblablement mort au camp de concentration de Buchenwald.
Andrée « Dédée » De Jongh - No 1 in the Comète organisation, was arrested at Bidegain Berri farm on 15th January 1943 and endured 19 interrogations, and was imprisoned in numerous French prisons before finally being deported to the notorious concentration camps at Ravensbrück and Mauthausen. She was liberated by the Red Cross on 22nd April 1945.
That she survived the interrogations she put down to the fact that even though she admitted to being the creator of the Comète Line, the Germans refused to believe her.
Frantxia Usandizaga, jeune veuve de 32 ans, avec 3 enfants (Mayie, Thérèse et Jean). Elle fut emprisonnée avec Lucienne Dassié et sa mère à Fresnes et au Fort de Romainville, antichambre des camps. Ne pensant qu’à ses enfants triste, abattue, elle priait et s'était fabriquée un petit chapelet avec des boulettes de mie de pain. Elle fut déportée et peu avant la défaite des Nazis, en Avril 1945, elle est morte au camp de concentration de Ravensbrück. Elle a été enterrée dans une fosse commune, signalée aujourd’hui par un mémorial.

Frantxia's farm hand Juan Manuel Larburu, aged 31 yrs old, was initially imprisoned at Compiègne with Jean Dassié but he went missing in March 1944 in Germany and it is believed that he died at Buchenwald.
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FS Stan Hope |
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Sgt Bill Greaves |
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Sgt George Ross |
Les trois aviateurs RAF (FS Stan Hope et Sgts George Ross & Bill Greaves) ont été faits prisonniers de guerre.
The three RAF aircrew arrested at Bidegain Berri farm (FS Stan Hope and Sgts George Ross & Bill Greaves) became Prisoners of War (POWs).

Arrêté le 13 Juillet 1943 au même café « Prado », il fut interné à la citadelle de Bayonne, à Fresnes et à Compiègne. Il sera déporté
en Allemagne dans plusieurs camps de concentration dont celui de Mauthausen. Libéré
par les américains le 6 Mai 1945, il ne pesait que 45kgs. Il souffrait de
graves lésions pulmonaires dues à son internement. Très malade, il retardera
son entrée au sanatorium " Les Terrasses " de Cambo les Bains. Il
attendait la visite de sa famille qu'il n'avait pas vu depuis 1936 et qui devait
passer clandestinement la frontière pour venir le voir. Il décédera (52 ans) à Cambo au sanatorium de Marienia
des suites de sa détention le 23 Novembre 1946. Les autorités Basques et Françaises
assistèrent à ses obsèques.
Alejandro Elizalde Iribarren. Alejandro Elizalde Iribarren made contact with "Tante Go" from March 1942. He set up contacts for the line in the frontier zone and he took care of finding lodgings for the evaders. An exiled Basque refugee, he found a job as a driver near the café "Prado" in Saint-Jean-de-Luz. He was denounced by the Francoist authorities to the Nazi security forces.
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Alejandro Elizalde Iribarren, Maritxu, Ambrosio San Vicente,
Martín Hurtado de Saracho & Florentino Goikoetxea |
La famille Dassié

On the night of 10/11th March 1943, the Dassié family were asleep in the family home «Bichta Ederra», on the road to Saint-Pierre-d'Irube. Gestapo cars pulled up outside at 5am and the GFP (police) entered the house. As young Jean (today the president of «Les amis du réseau Comète») looked on, his father Edouard, his mother Cyprienne and his 16 yr old sister Lucienne were arrested and taken away to the "Villa Chagrin" (the prison) at Bayonne and later deported to Germany. Released barely alive from Buchenwald at the end of the war, Edouard Dassié was in extremely poor health and he died at Salpetriere Hospital in Paris very shortly after his return on 20th May 1945. Cyprienne, his wife, was deported to Ravensbrück together with her daughter and, on returning to France after the war, she died in Bayonne on 7th September 1947 of complications arising from the treatment received during her captivity.
La famille Lapeyre

At the same time as the Dassié family were arrested, the German police entered 3, Rue Bernadou (at the side of the covered market in Bayonne) and mistakenly arrested Mr & Mrs Dicharry who lived in an apartment on the floor above the Lapeyres. Once freed, they informed the Lapeyres that the arrested aviators had not recognised them. Realising they'd had a narrow escape, Robert and Yvonne Lapeyre crossed the mountains into Spain and made their way to London where they worked with Colonel Rémy on the "Sussex" plan in preparation for the Allied landing.
Le 25 Mars 1943 tous les membres du Réseau Comète arrêtés à Bayonne et à Urrugne sont conduits solidement escortés à la gare de Bayonne. Tous sont installés dans un wagon spécial à destination de Paris.
On 25th March 1943, all the members of the Comète network who had been arrested at Bayonne and Urrugne were led under heavily armed escort to the railway station at Bayonne where they were placed in a special carriage destined for Paris.
René et Faustina Gachy, (Bar Chez Gachy, Place Saint André, aujourd'hui "le Guernika", à Bayonne)
René Gachy, né le
5 Juin 1898, 5 rue des Lisses à Bayonne, était marié à Faustina Palenzuela,
originaire d'Irún en Espagne, réfugiée en France en 1936 au moment de
l’occupation de la ville frontière par les troupes franquistes. Avec sa soeur
Julia et ses parents, elle était internée au camp du Polo, à Beyris. C'est là
que René, qui était veuf, fit sa connaissance. Il l'épousa, et le reste de la
famille vint vivre avec eux. Le couple avait deux enfants, Fernand et Robert.
Le restaurant
fournissait les repas pour certains prisonniers du Château-Neuf, et Faustina a
l'habitude de pénétrer à l'intérieur de la prison pour les livrer.
René Gachy, born on 5th June 1898 and living at 5 rue des Lisses, Bayonne, was married to Faustina Palenzuela, from Irún, Spain. Her family had taken refuge in France in 1936 after Irún had been overrun and occupied by Francoist forces. Together with her parents and her sister Julia, she was interned in the Polo Camp at Beyris, Bayonne. It was there that she met widower René. They subsequently married and lived together with the rest of the family. They had 2 children, Fernand and Robert.
Faustina and Julia managed the restaurant Gachy which, from 1939, was popular with many Republican refugees.
From 1941 onwards, evading aircrew (referred to as "the children" or "parcels") would arrive at Bayonne railway station and, accompanied by their Comète helpers, they would walk to the restaurant Chez Gachy (above left - today it's the bar Guernika) for lunch. Fortunately, René Gachy, who had enlisted in the army in 1914 when 16 years old, and had been awarded the Croix de Guerre at 17, had not lost his courage when faced with danger. Rather than seating the airmen in an adjoining dining room - which might have aroused suspicion - the Gachys took the calculated risk of seating the Allied aircrew in the same dining room as German soldiers from the barracks (now a prison) opposite, even at the same table, knowing that the Germans would never ever imagine that their close neighbours were in fact aircrew on the run.
The restaurant also supplied meals for certain inmates of the Château-Neuf, and Faustina regularly went inside the prison to deliver them.
The restaurant was conveniently situated directly opposite the Château-Neuf prison in which Andrée De Jongh (founder of the Comet Line) was incarcerated briefly following her arrest in January 1943. Fernand De Greef and Jean Dassié started putting together an escape plan in the bar of Chez Gachy after pumping some guards for information over a few drinks. Unfortunately, Dédée was quickly transferred to the main prison in Bayonne known as the "Villa Chagrin" before the escape plan came to fruition.
La ligne de la Bidassoa démantelée, c’est ainsi que fut ouverte 4 nouvelles voies:
On 25th March 1943, all the members of the Comète network who had been arrested at Bayonne and Urrugne were led under heavily armed escort to the railway station at Bayonne where they were placed in a special carriage destined for Paris.
René et Faustina Gachy, (Bar Chez Gachy, Place Saint André, aujourd'hui "le Guernika", à Bayonne)
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Bar / Restaurant Gachy (années1950s) (Photo aimablement fournie par Mme Carole Duvigneau/Stoupérianou) |
Le restaurant
Gachy, tenu par Faustina et Julia, était fréquenté depuis 1939 par de nombreux
réfugiés républicains.
Arrivant à la
gare de Bayonne, les aviateurs alliés du Réseau Comète surnommés "les
enfants" ou "les colis" sont accompagnés au restaurant Gachy pour déjeuner. Ils ne
seront pas cantonnés dans une salle annexe. Ils mangeront avec la
clientèle habituelle. C'est un coup de bluff raisonné de René Gachy,
partant du principe que les Allemands, imbus de leur infaillibilité policière,
ne sauraient imaginer que des ennemis consomment parmi eux. René Gachy, engagé
en 1914 à 16 ans, croix de guerre à 17 ans, a gardé ce même courage tranquille
face au danger.
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Mr et Mme Gachy (au centre) |
Son bar est situé en face de cette caserne qui
servait de prison dans laquelle a été incarcérée pour une courte durée Andrée
De Jongh ( créatrice du Réseau Comète ) après son arrestation en Janvier 1943.
Dans la salle de
ce bar fut échafaudé un plan d'évasion avec Fernand De Greef et Jean Dassié qui
invitaient les gardiens à boire. Malheureusement ce plan d'évasion ne fut pas
réalisé car elle fut transferée à la Maison d'Arrêt (Villa Chagrin) à
René Gachy, born on 5th June 1898 and living at 5 rue des Lisses, Bayonne, was married to Faustina Palenzuela, from Irún, Spain. Her family had taken refuge in France in 1936 after Irún had been overrun and occupied by Francoist forces. Together with her parents and her sister Julia, she was interned in the Polo Camp at Beyris, Bayonne. It was there that she met widower René. They subsequently married and lived together with the rest of the family. They had 2 children, Fernand and Robert.
Faustina and Julia managed the restaurant Gachy which, from 1939, was popular with many Republican refugees.
From 1941 onwards, evading aircrew (referred to as "the children" or "parcels") would arrive at Bayonne railway station and, accompanied by their Comète helpers, they would walk to the restaurant Chez Gachy (above left - today it's the bar Guernika) for lunch. Fortunately, René Gachy, who had enlisted in the army in 1914 when 16 years old, and had been awarded the Croix de Guerre at 17, had not lost his courage when faced with danger. Rather than seating the airmen in an adjoining dining room - which might have aroused suspicion - the Gachys took the calculated risk of seating the Allied aircrew in the same dining room as German soldiers from the barracks (now a prison) opposite, even at the same table, knowing that the Germans would never ever imagine that their close neighbours were in fact aircrew on the run.
The restaurant also supplied meals for certain inmates of the Château-Neuf, and Faustina regularly went inside the prison to deliver them.
The restaurant was conveniently situated directly opposite the Château-Neuf prison in which Andrée De Jongh (founder of the Comet Line) was incarcerated briefly following her arrest in January 1943. Fernand De Greef and Jean Dassié started putting together an escape plan in the bar of Chez Gachy after pumping some guards for information over a few drinks. Unfortunately, Dédée was quickly transferred to the main prison in Bayonne known as the "Villa Chagrin" before the escape plan came to fruition.
La ligne de la Bidassoa démantelée, c’est ainsi que fut ouverte 4 nouvelles voies:
The route via the Bidassoa was therefore out of operation and this led to the opening up of 4 new inland routes:
BIDARRAY with 1 crossing
LARRESSORE - ESPELETTE with 20 crossings
SOURAïDE - DANTXARIA with 10 crossings
LARRESSORE - ESPELETTE with 20 crossings
SOURAïDE - DANTXARIA with 10 crossings
SARE with 3 crossings
Passage de Bidarray - Bidarray crossing
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Martin Orhatégaray |
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Maison Erripa |
Le 6 Février 1943 - Reconnaissance du parcours par Jean François Nothomb et Jean Elizondo .
Le 14 Février 1943 - Passage de Jean François Nothomb et «Be» Johnson avec le guide Martin Orhatégaray:
Albert Greindl, (Bel), Lieutenant de réserve. (frère de Jean)
Lt John W Spence, (USAAF), navigateur, Boeing B-17G, 41-24603, BN-Y, «Green Hornet»
T/Sgt Sydney Devers, (USAAF), mitrailleur dorsale, Boeing B-17G, 41-24603, BN-Y, «Green Hornet»
FS J Barry Chaster, (RCAF), pilote, Avro Lancaster Mk I, W4134, EM-U
Two passages (the first of which was a reconnaissance) took place in the area. The reconnaissance was undertaken guided by Martin Orhatégaray, from "Erripa" from the Haïzarte quarter of Bidarray, with "Franco" and the second group which included 4 evaders, was led by "Franco", with the guide Martin Orhatégaray, accompanied by "Be" Johnson.
6th February 1943 - Reconnaissance of the route by Jean François Nothomb and Jean Elizondo.
14th February 1943 - Passage of Jean François Nothomb with "Be" Johnson and accompanied by the guide Martin Orhatégaray.
2. Vallée d'Urizate - ferme chez Marisco à Bidegorrieta - Erratzu - Elizondo
3. Direct Pied du col d'Ispéguy - Mortalaneko Borda - Erratzu
1. Via vallée d'Aritzacun - Inabideko Borda - abandoned village - Col des Veaux - Jauriko Borda, Urdax;
2. Vallée d'Urizate - Marisco's farm at Bidegorrieta - Erratzu - Elizondo.
3. Direct to the foot of the Col d'Ispéguy - Mortalaneko Borda - Erratzu.
Albert Greindl, (Bel), Lieutenant de réserve. (frère de Jean)
Lt John W Spence, (USAAF), navigateur, Boeing B-17G, 41-24603, BN-Y, «Green Hornet»
T/Sgt Sydney Devers, (USAAF), mitrailleur dorsale, Boeing B-17G, 41-24603, BN-Y, «Green Hornet»
FS J Barry Chaster, (RCAF), pilote, Avro Lancaster Mk I, W4134, EM-U
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Bidarray |
6th February 1943 - Reconnaissance of the route by Jean François Nothomb and Jean Elizondo.
14th February 1943 - Passage of Jean François Nothomb with "Be" Johnson and accompanied by the guide Martin Orhatégaray.
Passage de Bidarray
Guides: Jean François Nothomb "Franco", Jean Elizondo, Martin Orhatégaray
Maison Erripa - Venta Xumus (seul traçé retenu ici). Puis 3 hypothèses de passages:-
1. Via vallée d'Aritzacun - Inabideko Borda - village abandonné - Col des Veaux - Jauriko Borda Urdax.
1. Via vallée d'Aritzacun - Inabideko Borda - village abandonné - Col des Veaux - Jauriko Borda Urdax.
2. Vallée d'Urizate - ferme chez Marisco à Bidegorrieta - Erratzu - Elizondo
3. Direct Pied du col d'Ispéguy - Mortalaneko Borda - Erratzu
From the Martin Orhatégaray's house "Erripa" to Venta Xumus (route indicated in red below) following which there were several options open to them for the rest of the crossing into Spain:
1. Via vallée d'Aritzacun - Inabideko Borda - abandoned village - Col des Veaux - Jauriko Borda, Urdax;
2. Vallée d'Urizate - Marisco's farm at Bidegorrieta - Erratzu - Elizondo.
3. Direct to the foot of the Col d'Ispéguy - Mortalaneko Borda - Erratzu.

En l’absence d’Andrée De Jongh, la filière dite de «Larressore» fut
organisée par Jean François Nothomb, No 2 du réseau Comète, et Pierre Elhorga,
époux de Marie Elhorga, directrice de l’Ecole d’Anglet Sutar où ils habitaient.
In the enforced absence of Andrée De Jongh, a new inland route - known as "Larressore" - was pioneered by Jean François Nothomb, No 2 in the Comète Line, and Pierre Elhorga.
In the enforced absence of Andrée De Jongh, a new inland route - known as "Larressore" - was pioneered by Jean François Nothomb, No 2 in the Comète Line, and Pierre Elhorga.

Pierre Elhorga, a retired Customs official, had previously been involved in the organisation of the Castille Network, a Republican Basque network, that fought against Francoism. Born at Espelette in 1897, following the Great War (1914-18) he was declared 100% unfit and was exempted from any further military service. Together with his wife Marie, he lived at the schoolhouse where Marie was the headmistress at Sutar, 500m from Marthe Mendiara's Auberge Larre. He met Fernand De Greef in 1940 at Anglet Town Hall on the occasion of a reception provided by Mayor François Dommain. Enlisted by Andrée De Jongh initially to provide food supplies for the evaders, he was later tasked with finding "passeurs" (guides) for three future clandestine routes.
Pierre Elhorga est du groupe qui conçut une évasion pour Andrée De Jongh de la prison nommée « la Villa Chagrin » à Bayonne, avec Jean François Nothomb, Rémy Larre et Edouard Dassié depuis le restaurant de Marthe Mendiara.
Pierre Elhorga was part of the group that developed an escape plan designed to release Andrée De Jongh from the "Villa Chagrin" prison at Bayonne; others included Jean François Nothomb, Rémy Larre and Edouard Dassié.
Il recruta ses passeurs, des contrebandiers, « des travailleurs de la nuit
», pour leurs parfaites connaissances de
la montagne, leurs fiabilités, des hommes sûrs et discrets.
Due to his local knowledge as a customs official, he was able to recruit passeurs from the ranks of smugglers, the so-called "night workers" - all well-known for their ease in negotiating the mountains at night, their reliability and, perhaps crucially, their ability to keep silent.
Due to his local knowledge as a customs official, he was able to recruit passeurs from the ranks of smugglers, the so-called "night workers" - all well-known for their ease in negotiating the mountains at night, their reliability and, perhaps crucially, their ability to keep silent.
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"Max" Roger, Tante Go et 2 aviateurs |
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Auberge Larre |
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Marthe Mendiara |
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La cave telle qu'elle est aujourd'hui.. The cellar as it is today.. |
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.. avec son escaliers historique .. with its historic steps |

« Je suis allée en classe avec Madame Elhorga, j’en garde un grand souvenir, une femme extraordinaire. Nous chantions en classe la Marseillaise et elle nous a appris le refrain de l’hymne anglais. En 1943, j’avais 14 ans, je voyais dans le couloir du restaurant des hommes à qui je disais bonjour. Ces derniers se cachaient dans la cave, ils disposaient à l’étage de 5 chambres.
« Pour nourrir toutes ces personnes, ma tante m’envoyait à vélo chercher de
gros pains à la boulangerie Lembeye d’Arcangues où le commis Louis Goujon
mettait des messages à l’intérieur de certains pains, des messages destinés aux
passeurs. Nous avions un code avec ma tante Marthe; si une ficelle pendait à la
fenêtre, je pouvais entrer dans le restaurant. Dans le cas contraire, cela
signifiait qu’il y avait du monde qu’il fallait rester discret, ma tante me
disait: « tu ne dois rien dire de ce que tu vois ici ! »
« Je garde un souvenir précis d’un Américain, je pense qu’il s’appelait
Morrock ou un nom comme ça, car il parlait français. En 1946, il enseignait à
l’université américaine de Biarritz où il fit la connaissance d’une jeune fille
de Poitiers qu’il épousa. Sa noce toute simple eut lieu chez Marthe. »
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Joseph Miral |
La minoterie Arki |
Christiane Saldias née Etchessahar lived at Anglet Sutar, 20 meters from her aunt Marthe Mendiara's Auberge Larre:
"I was in the class of Madame Elhorga and I have a fond memory of her - an extraordinary woman. We sang the "Marseillaise" in class and she taught us the English national anthem. In 1943, when I was 14, I said hello to some men in the hallway of the restaurant. They'd been hiding in the cellar and they stayed in 5 rooms upstairs.
In order to feed all these people, my aunt would send me out to buy big loaves from the Lembeye bakers at Arcangues where Louis Goujon, an assistant, would put messages inside some of the loaves - messages for the smugglers. We had a code with my aunt Marthe - if there was a red cord hanging in the window, I could enter the restaurant. Otherwise, this meant that there were people in there that I had to watch out for. My aunt told me: "You must never say anything about what you see here.."
I remember one American very clearly: I think his name was Morrock - or something very similar - because he could speak French. In 1946, he taught at the American University at Biarritz where he met a girl from Poitiers whom he married. The simple wedding took place at Marthe's.
In front of my aunt's house, I saw airmen boarding Miral's buses. Joseph Miral belonged to the Leclerc escape line and he carried hundreds of fugitives, including Allied aircrew being helped by Comète, at great risk to his life, his family, his business; to the German passengers on his bus he explained the airmen's presence as members of his family.."
Local bakers supplied by the Arki mill at Ustaritz actively participated in the communication between the various members of Comète. In particular, Martin (Mattin) Garat, a baker from Larressore, recovered the bicycles left by the evaders at the Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge) near "Mandochineko Borda" (a safe barn) and returned them to Henri Claverie, a mechanic in the Rue Tour de Sault in Bayonne.
Elvire ( « Tante Go » ) et Fernand ( « L’Oncle » ) De Greef
"I was in the class of Madame Elhorga and I have a fond memory of her - an extraordinary woman. We sang the "Marseillaise" in class and she taught us the English national anthem. In 1943, when I was 14, I said hello to some men in the hallway of the restaurant. They'd been hiding in the cellar and they stayed in 5 rooms upstairs.
In order to feed all these people, my aunt would send me out to buy big loaves from the Lembeye bakers at Arcangues where Louis Goujon, an assistant, would put messages inside some of the loaves - messages for the smugglers. We had a code with my aunt Marthe - if there was a red cord hanging in the window, I could enter the restaurant. Otherwise, this meant that there were people in there that I had to watch out for. My aunt told me: "You must never say anything about what you see here.."
I remember one American very clearly: I think his name was Morrock - or something very similar - because he could speak French. In 1946, he taught at the American University at Biarritz where he met a girl from Poitiers whom he married. The simple wedding took place at Marthe's.
In front of my aunt's house, I saw airmen boarding Miral's buses. Joseph Miral belonged to the Leclerc escape line and he carried hundreds of fugitives, including Allied aircrew being helped by Comète, at great risk to his life, his family, his business; to the German passengers on his bus he explained the airmen's presence as members of his family.."
Local bakers supplied by the Arki mill at Ustaritz actively participated in the communication between the various members of Comète. In particular, Martin (Mattin) Garat, a baker from Larressore, recovered the bicycles left by the evaders at the Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge) near "Mandochineko Borda" (a safe barn) and returned them to Henri Claverie, a mechanic in the Rue Tour de Sault in Bayonne.
Elvire ( « Tante Go » ) et Fernand ( « L’Oncle » ) De Greef

La Mairie d'Anglet - Anglet Town Hall
Le maire François Dommain, patriote destitué par Vichy, avant son
arrestation et sa mise en prison fut d’un précieux soutien à l’organisation. Madame
Lagneau et Simone Dommain, ses deux filles ont aussi fidèlement épaulé « Tante
Go ». Véronique Mendiburu, la soeur de Jules employée elle aussi à la mairie et
Léontine Danglade et son épicerie de la place Lamothe, située entre la mairie
et la villa Voisin de « Tante Go » prêteront main forte dans l’hébergement, la
fabrication, la circulation des faux papiers, les messages et le ravitaillement alimentaire.
Récemment la municipalité d’Anglet vient de rendre hommage à François
Dommain et les membres du Réseau Comète en apposant une plaque commémorative
sur le dernier ouvrage neuf routier dit « pont des cinq cantons » sur le « B A
B ».
Before Mayor François Dommain was dismissed by Vichy, arrested and jailed, he had been a source of valuable support to the organisation. His daughters Simone and Lagneau also provided "Tante Go" with sterling service. Others who helped included Véronique (the daughter of Jules Mendiburu) who also worked at the Town Hall and together with Léontine Danglade from her grocers shop at the Place Lamothe, situated between the Town Hall and the "Villa Voisin" lent a hand with accommodation and the production and circulation of false papers, the passing of messages and food supply. The municipality of Anglet recently paid tribute to François Dommain and members of the Comète network by placing a plaque at the « 5 Cantons bridge » on the « B A B » (a main local thoroughfare).
Before Mayor François Dommain was dismissed by Vichy, arrested and jailed, he had been a source of valuable support to the organisation. His daughters Simone and Lagneau also provided "Tante Go" with sterling service. Others who helped included Véronique (the daughter of Jules Mendiburu) who also worked at the Town Hall and together with Léontine Danglade from her grocers shop at the Place Lamothe, situated between the Town Hall and the "Villa Voisin" lent a hand with accommodation and the production and circulation of false papers, the passing of messages and food supply. The municipality of Anglet recently paid tribute to François Dommain and members of the Comète network by placing a plaque at the « 5 Cantons bridge » on the « B A B » (a main local thoroughfare).
La Gendarmerie du Quartier Sutar à Anglet
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Capitaine Jean Chalvidan |

The Gendarmerie in the Sutar district of Anglet
Among other responsibilities, the gendarmerie at Saint-Pierre d'Irube on the outskirts of Bayonne had jurisdiction over the nearby crossroads that lay between Marthe Mendiara's Auberge Larre and the school where the Elhorgas lived. One evening, a 'snake' of airmen on bikes arrived at the crossroads led by Jean François Nothomb "Franco" - and Franco's bike was the only one equipped with lights - and that was just a rear light.. A gendarme stepped out into the road to stop them. Fortunately, Pierre Elhorga was alert to the danger and intervened rapidly, revealing the identity of the "offenders" to the gendarmes. It was agreed between Pierre and Capitaine Jean Chalvidan that the timing of all future movements would be disclosed to the gendarmes, notably to Prosper Vidal and Marcel Vigier, who would ensure that the cyclists had safe passage. A brilliant young officer, Capitaine Chalvidan was later to be killed during the liberation of Paris on 22nd August 1944, while he attempted to drive a truck laden with weapons through 3 SS roadblocks.
La famille Houget
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"Franco", les Houget et Philippe de Liederkerke |
The Houget family
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Denise Houget |
Marcel Roger « Max »
"Franco" himself was finally arrested on 18th June 1944 and he managed to survive several camps. Marcel Roger, aka "Max", enjoyed Franco's complete confidence and he therefore replaced him and acted as the liaison between Comète north and south. After the war, he left for Indo-China where he died.
Passage de Larressore (première jour) - Larressore crossing (Day 1)
- 1ère étape, de chez Marthe Mendiarra qui tenait l’Auberge Larre d’Anglet Sutar – à la bergerie inhabitée Mandochineko Borda, près du « Pont du Diable » à Larressore :
- First leg: from Marthe Mendiara's Auberge Larre to the remote sheep barn known as "Mandochineko Borda" near the "Devil's Bridge" outside Larressore.
(Merci à © Gogotik choeur d'hommes basque)
Guides: Jean François Nothomb ("Franco"), Pierre Elhorga, Denise Houget, "Max" Roger.
De l'auberge
Larre de Marthe Mendiara, Anglet Sutar à Mandochineko Borda à Larressore (Pont
du Diable): à 300m de l'Ecole de Sutar - ancienne route de Cambo - Nive Chemin
de halage - Hérauritz - Four à chaux - Lavoir
rénovée - Guadeloupe - Ustaritz bourg - Collège St François Xavier -
D932 sur 200m - Larressore Vieux Moulin chez Maya - remontée du Latxa (bois,
prairie) - Pont du Diable - Bergerie Peyo Andueza - Mandochineko Borda.
From Marthe Mendiara's Auberge Larre, Anglet Sutar to Mandochineko Borda, Larressore (Devil's Bridge): after 300m from the school at Sutar, take the old road to Cambo, follow the towpath along the Nive as far as Hérauritz, turning right at the chalk oven, past the restored washing place, Guadeloupe, through Ustaritz, Saint François Xavier College, follow the D932 for 200m, past the old mill known as "Chez Maya" at Larressore, climb to Latxa (woods, meadows), Pont du Diable, past Peyo Andueza's bergerie, arrive at Mandochineko Borda.
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Four à chaux - chalk oven |
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Lavoir rénovée - restored former communal washing place |
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Mandochineko Borda |
Passage de Larressore (2e jour) - Larressore crossing (2nd day)
- 2 ème étape, depuis Mandochineko Borda jusqu’à Jauriko Borda à Urdax Navarra (derrière la Venta Burkaitz), sur la carte IGN bornes frontières (mugaris) No 75 et 76.
- 2nd leg: from Mandochineko Borda as far as Jauriko Borda near Urdax, Navarre in Spain (behind the Venta Burkaitz), on the IGN map near the frontier markers (mugaris in Basque) Nos 75 & 76.
Mieux en plein écran.. Best in full screen:
Guides: Pierre Etchegoyen - "Battita" et "Piarres" Aguerre - Jean Elizondo
Espelette Fronton Bassebourre - flanc du Mondarain -
Gaineko Borda - Zuharateko Lepoa - Ituingo Borda - ihi Lepo (col du jonc)
Jauriko Borda Urdax - Navarra
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Jauregiko Borda aujourd'hui - today |
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Xan Mihura |
Once there, they were looked after by the owner, Xan Mihura, who led them as far as Erratzu, Bozate, Elizondo, Maya del Bastan. Occasionally he led them as far as "Mortaleneko Borda", another remote farm located at the foot of the Col d'Ispéguy.
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Mortaleneko Borda |
From there, they would either take the local train (Vera de Bidasoa - Irun), followed by the tram from Irun to San Sebastian or, the safer option, which was a diplomatic vehicle from the British Consulate at Bilbao which enjoyed immunity from checks.
Passage de Jauriko Borda,
Urdax, Navarre (chez Xan Mihura) à Mortaleneko Borda (pied du Col d' Ispéguy)
- Piste de Burkaitz - Gorramendi – Gorramakil - Table d'orientation - Plongée vers Mortaleneko Borda - Pied du col d'Ispéguy - Erratzu
- Track from Burkaitz - Gorramendi – Gorramakil - Orientation table - descent to Mortaleneko Borda - Foot of the Col d'Ispéguy - Erratzu
83 aviateurs (« Colis ») ont été accompagnés mais aussi Jean François Nothomb « Franco » No 2 de Comète et Denise Houget (passages sans aucun incident).
Pierre Etchegoyen (passeur)
Pierre Etchegoyen was born in Espelette in 1921 and married Jeanne Ithury of Itxassou. He was a cattle dealer at Chodiéteya at Espelette - the adjacent farm to that of the Aguerre family. He was exempted from military service as he was in the class of '41. Already working as a passeur, he was recruited by his uncle Pierre Elhorga. It was on his recommendation that the Aguerre brothers and Jean Elizondo were signed up to support the "Larressore" route. He would meet "parcels" in the woods at Larressore and lead them from there on the short journey to the sheep barn "Mandochineko Borda" near the "Devil's Bridge" outside Larressore.
Pierre (Piarres) Aguerre (passeur)
Né à la ferme Buruntxalinea (en dessous) à Espelette en Février 1916. Il
épouse Marie Eyhérabide, née à Larressore en 1921. Après la guerre il est
ouvrier à la tannerie Uhart à Bayonne au Chemin de Sabaltz. Refusant le travail obligatoire (Le S.T.O.), au service des allemands, s’occupant déjà de passage
de la frontière pour des français, il échappe à l’arrestation. Contacté par
Pierre Etchegoyen, il devient avec son frère Jean Baptiste « Battita », guide du
réseau de Pierre Elhorga pour Jean François Nothomb, No 2 du réseau Comète. Son
rapport indique la famille Mihura à Jauregiko Borda.
Pierre Aguerre was born at Buruntxalinea farm in Espelette in February 1916 and he subsequently married Marie Eyhérabide, born at Larressore in 1921. He worked at the tannery Uhart Bayonne Diagon Sabaltz. He refused to take part in compulsory labour service in Germany (Service du Travail Obligatoire - widely known as STO) and as he was already involved in cross-border activities, he managed to escape arrest. Contacted by Pierre Etchegoyen, he and his brother Jean Baptiste - "Battita" - both became guides for the network being set up by Pierre Elhorga for Jean François Nothomb ("Franco"). He recommended the family Mihura at Jauregiko Borda.
Jean Baptiste (Battita) Aguerre (passeur)
Jean Baptiste (Battita) Aguerre (passeur)
Jean Baptiste Aguerre was born at Buruntxalinea farm, Espelette in September 1917. He married Marie Louise Etchegaray who was born in Espelette in 1921. Jean Baptiste farmed at the Lapitza farm where his son Sauveur and his family live to this day. Refusing, as did his brother "Piarres", to be sent to Germany for compulsory labour service (STO) and following his involvement in "cross border activities" he was arrested on 2nd June 1943. He was initially imprisoned at Fort du Hâ at Bordeaux prior to his deportation to Germany from where with the help of a Basque kitchen porter, he fortunately managed to escape - but not before he'd been tortured. He returned to Bayonne by train and walked from there to his home in Espelette. He was contacted by Pierre Etchegoyen and he joined the same circuit as his brother as a Comète guide.
Jean ELIZONDO (passeur)

Après Comète, il participa ensuite à l’action du bataillon Vernet-Bidal
commandé par le capitaine Martinez du 1er au 22 Août 1944.
Jean Elizondo was born to François and Eulalie Arotzasoua in Espelette in April 1920. He worked as a cattle dealer at «Dolako Borda», Espelette near the Carriat tannery. He married Marie Arocena (born in Souraïde in September 1919) after the war. Pierre Elhorga introduced him to Andrée De Jongh in late '42 to develop two new crossings near Bidarray. Pierre Etchegoyen recruited him along with the Aguerre brothers.
After Comète, he took part in the action of the Vernet-Bidal battalion under the command of Captain Martinez from 1-22 August 1944.
Martin (Mattin) Garat (convoyeur)

Martin Garat worked as a baker behind the fronton in Larressore. Martin's task was to recover the bicycles used by the evaders where they'd been left at the "Devil's Bridge" and return them to Henri Claverie, a mechanic in the rue Tour de Sault, Bayonne. Henri had to maintain them and make any essential repairs so that they could be safely re-used between Dax - Anglet Sutar and Anglet Sutar - Larressore.
Those involved in the production and baking of bread seem to have played an important role in the Comète story but it's one that has yet to be documented. As nearly every village had its own bakers in those days, they were an important hub around which village life revolved. Someone at the flour millers at Ustaritz was active on Comète's behalf and, as has been described earlier, messages for the various networks would arrive with the flour and they would be baked into the bread for distribution far and wide. It's not yet clear who originated the messages.
The following crossings took place between Wednesday, 22th September 1943 and Sunday, 9th January 1944:
Auberge Larre Anglet-Sutar – Mandochineko Borda Larressore – Jauriko Borda à Urdax
Les passages par Larressore - The Larressore crossings
Les passages se sont déroulés entre le Mercredi 22 Septembre 1943 et le Dimanche 9 Janvier 1944.
The following crossings took place between Wednesday, 22th September 1943 and Sunday, 9th January 1944:
Auberge Larre Anglet-Sutar – Mandochineko Borda Larressore – Jauriko Borda à Urdax
La nuit du Mercredi, 22 Sept 1943
FS Roy A HODGE (RNZAF) - Opérateur radio, Short Stirling Mk 3, BF530, OJ-B
Fg Off Edward KINSELLA (RAF) - Opérateur radio et mitrailleur, Douglas A-20 Havoc MkIIIA, 42-32997, RH-?
2nd Lt Archibald L ROBERTSON (USAAF) - Co-pilote, Boeing B-17F, 42-30050, Judy-E
1st Lt William P MAHER (USAAF) - Navigateur, Boeing B-17F, 42-29635, VK-M, "Augerhead"
Sous Lt Philippe de LIEDERKERKE, (Belge) - Renseignement - Sabotage, Sûreté de l'Etat, Section T du SOE.
La nuit du Vendredi, 24 Sept 1943
Sgt William G BAILEY (RAF) - Navigateur,
Vickers Wellington HZ 355, AL-G
S/Sgt Beverly G GEYER (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
flanc droit, Boeing B-17F,42-30389,QE-Z,«Dear Mom»
La nuit du Dimanche, 03 Oct 1943
S/Sgt Joseph M AQUINO (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
arrière, Boeing B-17F, 42-30176, OE-P, «Assassin»
1st Lt Charles A BENNETT (USAAF) - Pilote, Boeing B-17F,
42-29559, OR-Q, «Stup ‘n Take It»
Sgt Kenneth F FAHNCKE (USAAF) - Mitrailleur arrière, Boeing
B-17F-60-DL, 42-3435, N/A,
Fl/Off William J HOOKER (USAAF) - Co-pilote, Boeing
B-17G, 42-30202, Q-??
Sgt Joseph J WALTERS (USAAF) - Mitrailleur ventral, Boeing B-17, 42-3225, MS-V, "Chug-A-Lug-Lulu"
Sgt Joseph J WALTERS (USAAF) - Mitrailleur ventral, Boeing B-17, 42-3225, MS-V, "Chug-A-Lug-Lulu"
Celle du Jeudi, 14 Oct 1943
T/Sgt John F BUICE (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
tourelle dorsale, Boeing B-17F, 42-3071, QE-?
Fg Off Norman T Fairfax (RAF) - Radio/mitrailleur
(WOP/AG), Douglas Boston IIIA, BZ237, OM-?
FS Roderick McLEOD (RAF) - Navigateur,
Douglas Boston IIIA, BZ 237, OM-?
FS Peter SMITH (RAF) - Navigateur,
Avro Lancaster Mk 1, W4236, QR-K
La nuit du Dimanche 17 Oct 1943
Sgt James E RAINSFORD (RAF) - Navigateur, Avro Lancaster Mk 3, JA707, OF-T
Sgt Oscar RAMSDEN (RAF) - Avro Lancaster Mk 3, JA707, OF-T
Sgt Arthur William BEARD (RAF) - Navigateur, Handley Page Halifax B II, JD371, KN-O
Plt Off William PALMER (RAF) - Mitrailleur arrière, Handley Page Halifax B II, JD371, KN-O
La nuit du Dimanche 17 Oct 1943
Sgt James E RAINSFORD (RAF) - Navigateur, Avro Lancaster Mk 3, JA707, OF-T
Sgt Oscar RAMSDEN (RAF) - Avro Lancaster Mk 3, JA707, OF-T
Sgt Arthur William BEARD (RAF) - Navigateur, Handley Page Halifax B II, JD371, KN-O
La nuit du Dimanche 24 Oct 1943
Sgt William CATLEY (RAF) - Radio/mitrailleur,
Handley Page Halifax B II, JD371, KN-O
T/Sgt Mike A FLESZAR (USAAF) - Radio Op, Boeing B-17F-BO, 42-29725, PY-U, « Hi-Lo Jack »
Plt Off Robert KELLOW 617 Sqn (RAAF) - Opérateur
radio, Avro Lancaster Mk 1, JB 144, KC-N (« Les Briseurs de barrages » en français)
Sgt Robert D MUIR (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
flanc gauche, Boeing B-17F, 42-29725, « Hi-Lo Jack »
Celle du Jeudi, 04 Nov 1943
S/Sgt James L BERRY, (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
de tourelle dorsale, Boeing B-17F-60-DL, 42-3435
2nd Lt Jackson T CLARY, (US) (RCAF) - Pilote,
Handley Page Halifax Mk V, DK259,
Sgt John H DIX, (RAF) - Bombardier,
Handley Page Halifax Mk II, JD 298,
S/Sgt Paul F SHIPE, (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
dorsal, Boeing B-17F, 42-3227, GD-G.
La nuit du Mardi, 09 Nov 1943
T/Sgt Jarvis ALLEN, (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
dorsal, Boeing B-17F, 42-2992, LG-R, « Dame Satan »
S/Sgt Thomas C SHAVER, (USAAF) - Mécanicien
- mitrailleur tourelle dorsale, Boeing B-17F, 41-24591, KY-B, “Rigor Mortis”
Sgt William TODD, (RAF) - Opérateur radio, Vickers
Wellington Mk III ,
X3966, EN-?
Mr Andre WENDELEN, (Belge) - Saboteur,
Sûreté de l’Etat & SOE
Celle du Lundi, 15 Nov 1943
Sgt Reginald CORNELIUS, (RAF) - Co-pilote, Handley
Page Halifax Mk II, JD 368, ZA-A
Sgt Raymond De PAPE, (RCAF) - Co-pilote,
Handley Page Halifax Mk V, LK 925, SE-R
Michel LOSSEAU, (Bel) - Sûreté
de l'Etat et SOE
S/Sgt Robert METLEN, USAAF. Mitrailleur
ventral,Boeing B-17F,42-30372, MZ-P,“Shack Rabbit III ”
La nuit du Vendredi, 19 Nov 1943
2nd Lt William H BOOTH, (USAAF) - Navigateur, Boeing B-17F,
42-30035, XR-H, “Torchy”
Mr Henri NEUMAN “Jérome”, (SOE ) - Saboteur.
Sgt Harold T SHEETS (USAAF) - Mitrailleur,
Boeing B-17F-BO, 42-30372, MZ-P, “Shack Rabbit III ”
2nd Lt Ralph D SMITH (USAAF) - Co-pilote,
Boeing B-17F, 42-30035, XR-H, “Torchy”
Sqn Ldr Walter F WALLINGTON (RAF) - Pilote,
De Havilland Mosquito Mk VI, HX938
Celle du Mardi, 23 Nov 1943
T/Sgt John CONNELL, (USAAF) - Radio/mitrailleur, Martin B-26 Marauder, 41-31721, TQ-P, “Cactus Jack”
Plt Off Reginald P MANTLE, (RAF) - Mitrailleur, Handley Page
Halifax II, LW 281, NF-W
FS Kenneth L RABSON, (RAF) - Dispatcher,
Handley Page Halifax II, LW 281, NF-W
S/Sgt Douglas G WRIGHT, (USAAF) - Mitrailleur arrière, Boeing B-17G,
42-30163, BO-D
La nuit du Mardi, 24 Nov 1943
S/Sgt Lloyd E FRAZER, USAAF. Mécanicien/mitrailleur,Martin B-26,41-31684,FW-A, « Double Trouble »
FS John E GROUT, (RAF) - Radio, Handley
Page Halifax II, LW 281, NF-W
Celle du Samedi, 04 Dec 1943
Flt Lt James L KENNEDY, (RCAF) - Pilote, Armstrong Whitworth
Whitley Mk V, AD675, TY-E
Sgt Ronald C MORLEY, (RAF) - Opérateur
radio, Avro Lancaster Mk III , JB121, PO-U
T/Sgt Harold L POPE, USAAF, Mécanicien/mitrailleur, Boeing B-17G, 42-30088, XR-E,"Squawkin’ Hawk II"
Fg Off George H WARD, (RAF) - Bombardier/navigateur,
Handley Page Halifax II, LW281, NF-W
La nuit du Lundi, 06 Dec 1943
Fg Off Robert S Clements, (RCAF) - Co-pilote, Avro Lancaster,
W4822, DX-P
Fg Off Edward J C JOHNSON, 617 Sqn (RAF) - Bombardier, Avro
Lancaster Mk I, JB144, KC-N
2nd Lt Donald O MILLS, (USAAF) - Bombardier,
Boeing B-17G, 42-3439, MZ-V
Sqn Ldr Cyril W PASSY, (RAF) - Pilote,
Handley Page Halifax II, LW281, NF-W
La nuit Samedi, 11 Dec 1943
FS John HARKINS, (RAF) - Pilote, Handley
Page Halifax II, LK931, NA-W
T/Sgt Hank C JOHNSON,USAAF. Mécanicien/mitrailleur dorsal, Boeing B-17G, 42-30789, "Flak Suit"
WO Bronislaw MALINOWSKI, (RAF) (Polonais) - Pilote,
Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb, AA928, WX- ?
S/Sgt George WATT, USAAF. 2nd
Mécanicien/mitrailleur, Boeing B-17G, 42-30789, « Flak Suit »
La nuit du Jeudi, 16 Dec 1943
1st Lt John K JUSTICE, (USAAF) - Pilote,
Boeing B-17G, 42-3229, XR-A, "Pasadena Nena"
Georges Charles J H MARCHAND, (SOE ) - Saboteur,
Groupe G
Flt Lt Archibald A MELLOR, (RAF) - Pilote,
De Havilland Mosquito Mk IV, DZ519, XD-U
2nd Lt Carl N SMITH, (USAAF) - Co-pilote,
Boeing B17-F-BO, 42-2990, LG-R, "Dame Satan"
2nd Lt Carl L SPICER, (USAAF) - Navigateur,
Boeing B-17G, 42-30818, "Salvo Sal"
Nuit du Vendredi, 17 Dec 1943
Sgt Victor W DAVIES, (RAF) - Navigateur,
Handley Page Halifax Mk II, JD368, ZA-A
Sgt Harold E NORRIS, (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
arrière, Boeing B-17G, 42-37821, "Lil' Operator"
Sgt Clarence H WITHERIDGE, (RCAF) - Navigateur,
Avro Lancaster, LM337, EA-V
Nuit du Lundi, 20 Dec 1943
T/Sgt John T ASHCRAFT, (USAAF) - Opérateur
radio, Boeing B-17G, 42-3539, "Michigan Air Force".
T/Sgt Thomas E COMBS, USAAF. Mécanicien/mitrailleur, Boeing B-17F, 42-30035,
Adrien MODERA (Belge) (Cousin des Houget)
T/Sgt Walter L HOUSE, (USAAF) - Opérateur
radio, Boeing B-17G, 41-24507, JD-B, "Yankee Raider"
1st Lt William B WHITLOW, (USAAF) - Pilote,
Boeing B-17G, 42-3539, "Michigan Air Force".
Nuit du Mardi, 28 Dec 1943
2nd Lt Thomas B APPLEWHITE Jr,
(USAAF) - Bombardier, Boeing B-17F,
42-30795, "The Wild Hare". (His evasion report here)
S/Sgt Elton F KEVIL, (USAAF) - Mitrailleur de
flanc gauche, Boeing B-17G, 42-37751, XK-P
Sgt Stanley MUNNS, (RAF) - Mitrailleur arrière,
Handley Page Halifax Mk V/III , LK956, NA-S. His narrative here and here.
T/Sgt Thelma B WIGGINS, (USAAF) - Opérateur radio, Boeing B-17F,
42-29952, WF-J, "Sizzle"
Celle du Mardi, 04 Jan 1944
FS Charles J BILLOWS, (RAF) - Mitrailleur
arrière, Avro Lancaster Mk III , JB367, OF-S
FS Donald K MACGILLIVRAY, (RCAF) - Bombardier,
Handley Page Halifax MkII, LK956, NA-S
Plt Off Nicholas J MATICH, (RAAF) (NZ) - Pilote,
Handley Page Halifax, HR907, TL-P
Flt Lt Albert P W PEPPER, (RAF) - Navigateur, Avro
Lancaster Mk III , JB367, OF-S
Nuit du Jeudi, 06 Jan 1944
Flt Lt W Ian COVINGTON, (RAF) - Pilote, Avro
Lancaster Mk III , JA716, OF-V
2nd Lt Robert G GILCHRIST, (USAAF) - Co-pilote, Boeing B-17F,
42-3317, QW-Y, "Spirit of 76"
2nd Lt Andrew G LINDSAY, (USAAF) - Co-pilote, Martin B-26
Marauder, 41-34971, RU-Q, "Pay Off"
2nd Lt Stanley ALUKONIS, (USAAF) - Co-pilote, Boeing B-17G, 42-37750,
KY-M, "Mary T"
Nuit du Dimanche, 09 Jan 1944
Plt Off Frederick T WILLIAMS,
(RAF) - Bombardier,
Avro Lancaster Mk III , JB367, OF-S
2nd Lt Paul E GREGORY, (USAAF) - Bombardier, Boeing B-17F,
42-3317, QW-Y, "Spirit of 76"
S/Sgt Raymond NIELD, USAAF. Mitrailleur arrière, Boeing B-17G,
42-39840, IN-A, "The Lopin' Lobo"
1st Lt Robert E SHEEHAN, (USAAF) - Pilote,
Republic P47D2-RE Thunderbolt, 42-7975, UN-I
Passage par Souraïde – Dantxaria - Mikelen Borda et Quito Borda
Crossing via Souraïde - Dantxaria - Mikelen Borda et Quito Borda
Par la borne frontière (mugari) No 74 sur la Carte IGN.
From Mandochineko Borda, past Mendigaraya farm, Souraïde; Dantxaria; Mikelen Borda / Quito Borda; then follow the stream Lapitxuri to the INRA station at border marker no 74, then follow the Haizegueriko stream upstream as far as Jauriko Borda.
Guides: Juanito Bidegain - Michel et Coche Mari Etcheveste
Mandochineko Borda, Larressore - autour de la Ferme Mendigaraya, Souraïde - Dantxaria - Mikelen Borda / Quito Borda - Ruisseau Lapitxuri - Station INRA Borne 74 - remonter Haizegueriko Erreka jusqu'à Juariko Borda
Guides: Juanito Bidegain - Michel and Coche Mari Etcheveste
From Mandochineko Borda, past Mendigaraya farm, Souraïde; Dantxaria; Mikelen Borda / Quito Borda; then follow the stream Lapitxuri to the INRA station at border marker no 74, then follow the Haizegueriko stream upstream as far as Jauriko Borda.
Juanito est un réfugié politique espagnol et il est cultivateur à la ferme
Seme Enea de Bassussary sur la route de Cambo; il vit avec sa mère Raimonda
Elizagoyen et ses 2 frères Léon et Martin.
Il est né à Vera de Bidasoa en Espagne en février 1900. Jean et Jeanne
Elhorga, le fils et la fille de Pierre, ont comme consigne d’aller se réfugier
chez lui s’ils voient des Allemands en rentrant chez eux à l’école.
Juanito Bidegain (smuggler) was born in Vera de Bidasoa in Spain in February 1900 and he was a Spanish political refugee. He farmed at Seme Enea, Bassussary on the road to Cambo (since demolished). He lived there with his mother Raimonda Elizagoyen and his two brothers Leon and Martin.
The Elhorga children - Jean and Jeanne - had a standing instruction from their parents to seek refuge with Juanito if, on returning home after school, they noticed any unusual activity around the schoolhouse.
Juanito Bidegain (smuggler) was born in Vera de Bidasoa in Spain in February 1900 and he was a Spanish political refugee. He farmed at Seme Enea, Bassussary on the road to Cambo (since demolished). He lived there with his mother Raimonda Elizagoyen and his two brothers Leon and Martin.
The Elhorga children - Jean and Jeanne - had a standing instruction from their parents to seek refuge with Juanito if, on returning home after school, they noticed any unusual activity around the schoolhouse.
Michel Etcheveste (passeur), Maison Mendigaraya à Souraïde
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Maison Mendigaraya |

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Mikelenborda |
Coche-Mari Etcheveste (passeur)
Coche (José) Mari habitait près de Ainhoa et collaborait au réseau Comète avec son frère Michel.
Ils ont obtenu un diplöme de reconnaissance de
la part du Ministère de la Guerre Américain. Après la guerre immigrer aux Etats
Unis étaient impossible (les quotas étaient atteinds). Par reconnaissance pour
services exceptionnels rendus à la Nation, les Etats Unis favorisèrent sa venue
et son installation. Coche Mari y vécu toute sa vie avec sa femme et sa fille. Il y est décédé le 25 Juin 2011.
Coche-Mari lived near Ainhoa during the German occupation and he worked with his brother Michel for the Comète Line. They were both given a certificate recognising their service by the US Defense Department and, after the war, despite the fact that the possibilities for emigration to the US were limited due to the quotas having been reached, on the strength of the exceptional services he had rendered to the US he received a visa that enabled him to live and work there in perpetuity.
He spent the rest of his life in the US with his wife and daughter. He passed away there on 25th June 2011.
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Quito Borda |
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Coche-Mari Etcheveste |
He spent the rest of his life in the US with his wife and daughter. He passed away there on 25th June 2011.
La nuit du Lundi 13 Dec 1943
T/Sgt John BURGIN, USAAF. Mécanicien/mitrailleur, Boeing B-17F, 42-5867, LN-O, "Alice from Dallas"
2nd Lt John J MAIORCA, (USAAF) - Bombardier,
Boeing B-17G, 42-30789, “Flak Suit”
2nd Lt Raymond NUTTING, (USAAF) - Co-pilote, Boeing B-17F,
42-5867, LN-O, «Alice from Dallas »
La nuit du Mardi 21 Dec 1943
FS Kenneth GARVEY, (RAF) - Navigator,
Avro Lancaster Mk III ,
JB121, PO-U
FS Thomas HESSELDEN, (RAF) - Mitrailleur
dorsal, Avro Lancaster Mk III , JB367, OF-S
La nuit du Jeudi 30 Dec 1943
1st Lt Dwight A FRY, (USAAF) - Pilote,
Republic P47D Thunderbolt, 42-8513, LH-Y, "Eager Beaver"
Albert V GILLI (Sûreté de l'Etat) - Mitrailleur
Patrick LAMING (SOE ) - Section
Fg Off Gerald LORNE (RAF) - Bombardier, Short Stirling
Mk III , BK 650, HA-T
Plt Off Noel N PARKER, (RAF) - Pilote, Short Stirling ,
LJ442, JN-F
La nuit du Lundi 10 Jan 1944
Capt Jean CASSART (Bel)
Fg Off Frank D HILL, (RAF) - Navigateur, Handley
Page Halifax MkII, LW298, NP-L
S/Sgt Gary HINOTE, USAAF.Mitrailleur, Boeing B-17F,42-3538,TS-W, "Ten Knights in A Bar
2nd Lt Paul H McCONNELL, (USAAF) - Navigateur, Boeing B-17F,
42-29928, VP-W
S/Sgt Steve KRAWCZYNSKI, USAAF. Mitrailleur arrière, Boeing
B-17G, 42-37750, KY-M, "Mary T"
Robert J POREYE (Bel)
Celle du Jeudi 26 Feb 1944
Conrad LAFLEUR, (Canadian Army –>
MI9) - Operateur radio
William LEMAÏTRE, (Sûreté de l'Etat et MI9) - Opérateur
radio de la mission RUTLAND
Jean OUDINOT, "Célestin" (Fr) - Agent
du Ministère de l'Information (Radio)
Aline DUMON(T) « Michou », (Bel) - Comète
La nuit du Samedi 22 Avril 1944
Alphonse A ESCRINIER, (Bel) - Sûreté
de l'Etat
T/Sgt William MATTSON, USAAF. Mécanicien/mitrailleur,Consolidated B-24 Liberator,42-7484,GC-L,"Sally Ann"
FS Leslie C MORRISON, (RAAF) - Pilote,
Avro Lancaster Mk II, DS704, EQ-W, "Willie"
Celle du Mercredi, 3 Mai 1944
S/Sgt Albert BREWER, USAAF. Mitrailleur
arrière, Boeing B-17F, 42-29768, SO-X, "Winsome Winn II"
radio et mitrailleur ventral, Consolidated B-24H, 42-7544, C, “Seed Of Satan
1st Lt Benjamin T MARTIN, (USAAF) - Pilote, Republic P47D
Thunderbolt, 42-8610, OS-Q,
"Ready for Action"
2nd Lt Robert F WERNERSBACH,
(USAAF) - Bombardier, Boeing
B-17F, 42-3540, MS-N, "Bacta-th'-Sac"
S/Sgt William E WOLFF, (USAAF) - Mécanicien et mitrailleur dorsal, Boeing B-17F, 42-39795, PU-E,
"Women's Home Companion"
La nuit du Lundi, 8 Mai 1944
T/Sgt Raymond P REEVES, (USAAF) Photographe, Consolidated B-24
Liberator, 42-7635,
"Ram-It-Dam' It"
1st Lt Abraham TEITEL, (USAAF) - Bombardier,
Consolidated B-24 Liberator, 42-7501
Celle du Vendredi 26 Mai 1944
2nd Lt Nelson CAMPBELL, (USAAF) - Bombardier, Boeing
B-17F, 42-39795, PU-E, "Women's Home
Fg Off William A JACKS, (RAF) - Mitrailleur
arrière, Handley Page Halifax Mk V, LK710, KN-S
S/Sgt Claude R LESLIE, (USAAF) - Mitrailleur
ventral, Boeing B-17F, 42-30033, SO-G, "Little America"
2nd Lt Julius D MILLER, (USAAF) - Co-pilote, Boeing
B17, 42-31430
1st Lt Meyles A SHEPPARD, (USAAF) - Navigateur, Boeing B-17F, 42-31040,
FO-A, "Duffy's Tavern"
La nuit du Dimanche 4 June 1944
Plt Off Leonard A BARNES, (RAF) - Pilote, Avro Lancaster Mk.II,
ND530, LE-P
2nd Lt Jack D CORNETT, (USAAF) - Pilote, Republic P47D Thunderbolt,
42-75219, E2-G
Sgt Ronald T EMENY, (RAF) - Mitrailleur dorsal,
Avro Lancaster Mk.II, ND556, EM-F
Lt Col Thomas H HUBBARD, (USAAF) - Pilote, Republic P47D
Thunderbolt, 42-7944, WR-P, "Speed / Lil'Jo"
Maj Donald K WILLIS, (USAAF) - Pilote, Lockheed
P-38 Lightning, 42-68077, KI-X
Details of this epic journey here.
Le 6 Juin 1944
Details of this epic journey here.
Passage de Sare
Passage de Sare
3 passages pour 7 personnes sur l’ordre de Michael Cresswell, Consul Britannique à Madrid:
par Lucie Dufau de la ferme < Angoinea > de Sare
Le 6 Juin 1944
Evacuation de Mme De Greef, Frédéric et Janine.
Evacuation of Mrs De Greef, Frédéric and Janine.
Le 6 Juillet 1944
Le 6 Juillet 1944
Evacuation des enfants de Charles Morelle et de Germaine Joly
Chantal Morelle (11 ans) et Renée Morelle (6½ ans)
Evacuation of Charles Morelle's children
Chantal Morelle (11 yrs old) and Renée Morelle (6½ years old)
Chantal Morelle (11 ans) et Renée Morelle (6½ ans)
Evacuation of Charles Morelle's children
Chantal Morelle (11 yrs old) and Renée Morelle (6½ years old)
Le 13 Juillet 1944
Départ definitif en Angleterre / Definitive departure to England
Marcel ROGER, Pierre ROBERT
Passage de Sare
Guide: Lucie Dufau et son mari occasionellement.
Guide: Lucie Dufau, helped occasionally by her husband.
De Maison Angoinea, Sare -
Col de Lizarrieta - à Vera de Bidasoa
From Maison Angoinea, Sare - Col de Lizarrieta - to Vera de Bidasoa
From Maison Angoinea, Sare - Col de Lizarrieta - to Vera de Bidasoa
These were the evaders: they were predominantly Allied bomber aircrews together with a sprinkling of fighter pilots and civilian agents of various kinds. The vast majority of the photographs are the actual ones used by the evaders on their false papers wearing their civilian clothes - all supplied by Comète.
Photos and details of each evader thanks to Ligne Comète Line Remembrance and EvasionComete
Thanks to The Guernsey Press for the photo of Flt Lt W Ian Covington RAF
Thanks to The Guernsey Press for the photo of Flt Lt W Ian Covington RAF
"Be" Johnson,
De Greef,
Jean-François Nothomb,
Kattalin Aguirre,
Larressore, France
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